Friday, January 28, 2011

Requirements Creep

One definition I've seen is:

"Feature creep (sometimes known as requirements creep or scope creep) is a tendency for product or project requirements to increase during development beyond those originally foreseen, leading to features that weren't originally planned and resulting risk to product quality or schedule. Feature creep may be driven by a client's growing "wish list" or by developers themselves as they see opportunity for improving the product."

So, how on earth does this apply to me?

Well, I want to start taking pictures with a fisheye lens. As you know, I love the distorted and the abstract.

Some examples include:

IMG_3693 - 2010-02-10 at 19-38-13.jpg



A fisheye lens would make it much easier to create these special effects. I found one that I liked, and started to do my research.

Unfortunately, I hit a snag: The fisheye lens I want isn't going to be very effective with my camera body. I have an entry-level DSLR with something called an APS-C sensor. While the lens I want will work, the effect is minimized - which is NOT what I want. The reason has something to do with the magnification ratio. As you know, I try not to delve into deep technical matters, so I'll leave it at that. Also, while I could buy a fisheye lens suited for my existing camera, it's not the make and model that I want. Also, I would have to get rid of it once I upgraded.

Basically, I'd have to upgrade my camera body, too - a costly endeavor that I wasn't prepared for. But I don't want to do that for another year. So, for now, I'll have to do weird things with distortions on my own. (Sigh) This is so disappointing, because I know for a fact I'd be terrific at this. I'll just need to wait and be patient.

Then, all of this made me think - yikes, would my other lenses work with a full-frame camera? I'll go into that analysis on Monday - that's going to require some research. Have a great weekend! :) Till Monday!

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